Zachary James

Zachary James

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trapped in Room 101!

We returned to our hotel room on Friday early afternoon after spending all day Thursday in the hospital.  Since then we have been pretty locked up.  Thank goodness the Vance's are next door.  We have had several nice dinners in the dining area of our hotel together getting to know one another.  The kids are doing great!  What amazing resilience they have.  Brooklyn has learned how to pull the dressings off of her head...even with her arm restraints on, driving her mother insane.  And Zac has been wanting to crawl all over the place even though I mostly keep him cornered in his pack n play.  He has also begun baby 'regularity' which means changing his diapers with his new stitches is a NIGHTMARE!!  It requires three people to handle it however, it is just the two of us.  Ugh, changing the gauze, netting, tubes is NO BUENO.

It is tremendously hard on Zoie to be corralled in our hotel room.  Despite trying to keep her busy; She has watched movies, played with the iPad, played DSi, gone swimming in the indoor pool and played with our next door neighbor's 2 1/2 year old daughter, Cali,  she just isn't herself.  She's been angry, bratty and at night she cries because she doesn't want to sleep on the fold-out bed by herself.  The kid has got some pent up energy that needs to be released....and for those of you who know me know I hate to sit still so it's been hard on all of us to be trapped in room 101!  So, today Merilee and I found a mall (with the intent of finding a play place for the kids) and spent a five glorious hours just walking around aimlessly!!  It was awesome!  It was a nice break from reality which hit right when I got back to the hotel room and had to change yet another diaper...and with it, another dressing.  YUCK.

Zac has also taken to screaming bloody murder when we change anything on him despite several squeaky, blinky and crinkly toys.  Like I has seriously become a three person job and it totally zaps your energy.  He does seem to like the remote control though (typical male LOL).  Tomorrow we will call Dr. Bauer's office and give them an update and possibly see if we can pay them a visit and have them assist me in overhauling Zac's dressings.  I can't wait to show you a picture of the amount of Wolfy that was removed on the lower back but right now it's still a little fresh.  It is phenomenal that so much was able to be removed!  While I don't have any pictures of the dressing changes (I will spare you...), I do have a picture of Zoie riding a simulated roller coaster at the mall today.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Mommy. I wish you had someone with you to keep Zoie preoccupied. :( I can imagine you are very tired. Long deep will all make it through these tough days. God Bless you!! Hugs!!
